
Dr. Eva Turk MBA

  • Senior Researcher
    Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
Arbeitsplatz: B - Campus-Platz 1
T: +43/2742/313 228 534
M: +43/676/847 228 534



Černe, T., Turk, E., Mirosevic, S., & Rotar Pavlič, D. (2024). Needs and Experiences With Health Care Providers of Adult Rare Disease Patients and Caregivers of People With Rare Diseases: Protocol for a Qualitative Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e53362.
Černe, T., Turk, E., Mirosevic, S., & Rotar Pavlič, D. (2024). Needs and Experiences With Health Care Providers of Adult Rare Disease Patients and Caregivers of People With Rare Diseases: Protocol for a Qualitative Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e53362.
Černe, T., Turk, E., Mirosevic, S., & Rotar Pavlič, D. (2024). Needs and Experiences With Health Care Providers of Adult Rare Disease Patients and Caregivers of People With Rare Diseases: Protocol for a Qualitative Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e53362.
Folkvord, F., Würth, A. R., Van Houten, K., Liefveld, A. R., Carlson, J. I., Bol, N., Krahmer, E., Beets, G., Ollerton, R. D., Turk, E., Hrubos‐Strøm, H., Nahoui, H., Einvik, G., Schirmer, H., Moen, A., Barrio‐Cortes, J., Merino‐Barbancho, B., Arroyo, P., Fico, G., … Lupiáñez‐Villanueva, F. (2024). A systematic review on experimental studies about patient adherence to treatment. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 12(1), e1166.
Pevec, T., Albreht, T., & Turk, E. (2023). Safety culture in the operating room: translation, validation of the safety attitudes questionnaire – operating room version. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 491.