Dr. Eva Turk MBA
Senior Researcher
Center for Digital Health and Social Innovation
Arbeitsplatz: B - Campus-Platz 1
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Migliore, A., Vicari, N., Turk, E., & Sucu, R. (2025). Driving Policy Dialogue on Health Technology Assessment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: reporting from an initiative of Health Technology Assessment International. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266462325000066
Foo, C. D., Logan, K., Eu, E., Erlangga, D., Rivillas, J. C., Kosycarz, E., Pholpark, A., Ritthisirikul, N., Hanvoravongchai, P., Putri, L. P., Marthias, T., Schenck, M., Benia, W., Turk, E., Giang, K. B., Duong, D. T. T., Shrestha, S., Esandi, M. E., Antonietti, L., … Legido-Quigley, H. (2025). Starfield’s 4Cs of NCD management in primary healthcare: a conceptual framework development from a case study of 19 countries. BMJ Global Health, 10(1), e017578. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2024-017578
Turk, E. (2024, January 11). Reimagining care: Enhancing Outcomes through Person-Centered Care. 14th Family Medicine Congress with International Participation - AHEKON 2024, Antalya, Turkey (online).
Ernst, M., Prinzellner, Y., & Turk, E. (2024, October). Experience of Discrimination in the healthcare context in the FLINTA* community and means of digital coping [Poster presentation]. 27. ÖGPH Jahrestagung, Innsbruck, Austria. https://oeph.at/event/oegph-jahrestagung-save-the-date/
Ernst, M., Prinzellner, Y., & Turk, E. (2024, October). Innovation durch das DIGIHealth UASHome Incubators Boost Pro gramme [Poster presentation]. 27. ÖGPH Jahrestagung, Innsbruck, Austria. https://oeph.at/event/oegph-jahrestagung-save-the-date/
Folkvord, F., Carlson, J. I., Ottaviano, M., Carvajal, D., Gonzalez, L. H., Van De Schoot, R., Turk, E., Piera-Jiménez, J., Pontes, C., Ramiro-Pareta, M., Carot-Sans, G., Podovšovnik, E., Levašič, V., Scheckenbach, K., Wagenmann, M., Szpisjak, A., Eliasen, B., Wakim, J.-M., Ernst, M., … Fico, G. (2024). Using Patient-Generated Health Data more efficient and effectively to facilitate the implementation of Value-Based Healthcare in the EU – Innovation Report. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, S2001037024003465. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2024.10.026
Turk, E. (2024, September). 1st European HTA Framework for Digital Health Technologies [Panel Diskussion]. Economic Forum, Karpacz. https://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/
Černe, T., Kragelj, L. Z., Turk, E., & Pavlič, D. R. (2024). Experiences of quality of life and access to health services among rare disease caregivers: a scoping review. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 19(1), 319. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13023-024-03327-2
Turk, E. (2024). Od zavedanja k dejanjem − vloga (digitalne) zdravstvene pismenosti mladostnikov in njihovih staršev. In D. Mičetić Turk & B. Vogrin (Eds.), Adolescentna medicina: 3. in 4. modul (1., pp. 3–10). Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. https://doi.org/10.18690/um.mf.4.2024.1
Turk, E. (2024, June). Unpacking HTA: How it Shapes the Future of Digital Health Solutions [Panel Diskussion]. HTAi2024 A Turning Point for HTA? Sustainability, Networks and Innovation, Sevilla. https://htai.eventsair.com/htai-2024-annual-meeting/main-theme
Černe, T., Turk, E., Mirosevic, S., & Rotar Pavlič, D. (2024). Needs and Experiences With Health Care Providers of Adult Rare Disease Patients and Caregivers of People With Rare Diseases: Protocol for a Qualitative Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e53362. https://doi.org/10.2196/53362
Folkvord, F., Würth, A. R., Van Houten, K., Liefveld, A. R., Carlson, J. I., Bol, N., Krahmer, E., Beets, G., Ollerton, R. D., Turk, E., Hrubos‐Strøm, H., Nahoui, H., Einvik, G., Schirmer, H., Moen, A., Barrio‐Cortes, J., Merino‐Barbancho, B., Arroyo, P., Fico, G., … Lupiáñez‐Villanueva, F. (2024). A systematic review on experimental studies about patient adherence to treatment. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 12(1), e1166. https://doi.org/10.1002/prp2.1166
Turk, E. (2024, November 1). Person Centred Care,Health technology assessment and Health systems in Norway, Slovenia and Austria [Vorlesung]. Health Systems and Policy Analysis, Singapore- online.
Turk, E., Wontor, V., Yoshida, S., Dugstad, J. H., Julius, P., Hannibal, M., Quintana, Y., & Srivastava, G. (2024). Design Thinking and Co-Creation in Integrated Care. In V. Amelung, V. Stein, E. Suter, N. Goodwin, R. Balicer, & A.-S. Beese (Eds.), Handbook of Integrated Care (pp. 1–26). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25376-8_103-1
Turk, E. (2024, 7.6). UAS boost training programme: boosting professional competence in digital health incubation [Poster presentation]. European Health Management Conference 2024 | Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems, Bucharest.
Turk, E. (2024, 7.6). Digital health focus and activities of Universities of Applied Sciences’ home-based incubators [Poster Presentaion]. European Health Management Conference 2024 | Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems 5-7 June 2024 - Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest.
Turk, E. (2024, 16.10). Workforce Development and Capacity Building [Panel Diskussion]. Innovating Health Together Conference Building Bridges in Europe and beyond, Porto, Portugal. https://www.ihtconference.com/
Pevec, T., Albreht, T., & Turk, E. (2023). Safety culture in the operating room: translation, validation of the safety attitudes questionnaire – operating room version. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 491. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-09539-9
Turk, E. (n.d.). Stakeholder engagement in digital health [Keynote Speech]. Zdravje 2024: Vitalen sistem, zdrav človek. https://www.delo.si/delov-poslovni-center/zdravje/le-z-vitalnim-sistemom-do-zdravega-cloveka
Turk, E. (n.d.). Health ecosystems instead of silos [Workhop]. Digital Health Circle Vienna, Vienna (Austria). https://businesscircle.at/gesundheit-pflege/konferenz/digitalhealth
Turk, E. (n.d.). EU Future Health Priorities. Economic Forum, Karpacz. https://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/
Turk, E. (n.d.). Integrating Gender Perspectives into New Digital Products and Services [Invited Talk]. EIT Health Innovators Community. https://community.eithealth.eu/events/132667