The Department of Health is currently working on the following third-party funded projects:

DICHTE - Digitised Interprofessional Collaboration of Health Teams in Education

Digitised methods that support academic staff in organising person-centred, interprofessional health care education.

NSUPH – Nursing science studies of unplanned perioperative hypothermia

Identifying decreased body temperature occurring before, during and after medical operations.

NUMOQUA - Nutrition and movement to improve quality of life with knee osteoarthritis

Combining exercise therapy with nutritional therapy to improve the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis.


Promotion of Psychological Resilience for Prevention and Organisational Change at the Workplace.

ELSA- Evaluation of simple gait analysis devices

Evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using simplified gait analysis

INPRO - ¡nterprofessionalism in action!

Aligning interprofessional education and collaboration in practice, using promising regional experiences for international exchange


Evaluation of the accuracy of non-invasive hip joint centre estimation methods for clinical gait analysis in children and adolescents

Eat, Move, Stay Motivated

Im September 2022 konnte das 10monatige Programm "eat, move, stay motivated", ein Multimodales Programm zu Therapie von Übergewicht und Adipositas für die Zielgruppe der 15 bis 18-jährigen, starten...


Förderung des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Austauschs über die Konzeptualisierung der Rationierung von Pflegepersonal.

Consultation material for nutrition counselling – by dieticians for dieticians

Illustrated and comprehensive advisory material to support dieticians in their daily work.

Evaluating technical measuring accuracy

Evaluating the technical measuring accuracy of a 3D monitoring system for the continuous tracking of lumbar spine movements

Train & Win - "FitDaheim"

“FitDaheim” is a new training programme, based on physiotherapy and ergotherapy. The programme is supposed to promote movement within the target group of senior citizens and function as a prophyla...

GAAS - Health literacy amongst teenagers

Gaas aims at developing health literacy of teenagers not in education, employment or training (NEET).

The Children's KNEEs Study

The aim of the Children’s KNEEs Study is to analyze altered biomechanical movement strategies in obese children during walking and stair climbing and to develop a specific training program for them.

GEKO: Generationsübergreifende Ernährungskompetenz

Förderung der generationsübergreifenden Kommunikation von Ernährungskompetenzen


The goal of the AlertnessControl is to develop occupational psychologically relevant and technical organizational measures to enhance the attention and to warn in case demanded.


By the conception of an intelligent and integral approach the project smartBOX wants to revolutionize the growing needs of transport in the field of freight mobility in a time of resource scarcity.

External Evaluation of the project "Babycouch"

Babycouch offers support for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young families. The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences conducts a scientific evaluation of the project.


The goal is the development of a prototypic interactive learning software that helps students learn to perform observational clinical gate analysis.

Usability-Study for MFT Challenge Disc

Usability of the MFT Challenge Disc for senior citizens and basic concept for developing a target group-oriented training device


In the course of this project a set of methods has been developed for evaluating gender and diversity aspects of workplace ergonomics and usability for workers in safety-critical system settings.

Brochure "Feeling good for a lifetime"

Information brochure about nutrition and exercise with special attention to age-related changes in the body


The goal of this project is to use social media and games in a manner appropriate to people’s age to promote sustainable mobility behaviours and to stimulate people to reflect on their own behaviour...


The goal is the development of an electronic food shopping counselor for senior citizens with type 2 diabetes mellitus, focusing on alternative products, usability for senior citizens and flexibility.

Innoscheck Game based Learning

Kinder und Jugendliche setzen sich spielerisch mit gesunder Ernährung und Bewegung auseinander.

SOS Health

The care provided to children and young people in the youth centre “SOS Kinderdorf” (in Hinterbrühl) is addressed at helping them learn an independent and healthy lifestyle.

Querschnittsstudie zum gesundheitsbezogenen Verhalten der St. PöltnerInnen

Im Rahmen des Projektes „St. Pölten auf gesundem Weg!“ führte das Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften der Fachhochschule St. Pölten eine Querschnittstudie durch. Ziel dieser Erhebung ist es...

„Involve yourself“ - „Sicher ist sicher“ Evaluierung eines Pilotprojektes

Das Institut für Gesundheitswissenschaften kooperiert mit der Plattform Patientensicherheit und der NÖ Patientenanwaltschaft im Rahmen des Pilot-Projektes „involve yourself“. Die Kooperation umf...